July 25, 2012

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: , , , — Dr. Alan Sasson @ 7:56 am

In our last post, we started our short series on dental implants by talking about what can happen to your smile when you lose a tooth. Today, we’d like to go beyond that by explaining how dental implants can help you restore your smile.

Enjoy a Natural Smile Again

With dental implants, Dr. Sasson can help his Boston-area patients enjoy a smile that feels and looks completely natural, all because of how dental implants work.

Unlike other cosmetic and restorative solutions, which just replace the crown portion of a tooth, dental implants replace the crown and the root. But this isn’t just any kind of prosthetic root. It’s made from titanium, a biocompatible metal.

Why is that important?

Because it ensures that, over time, your prosthetic root (also known as an implant post) will fuse with the jaw in much the same way as a natural root, resulting in a restored smile that will feel just like the one nature gave you.

Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

However, it’s always possible that dental implants aren’t truly the right restorative or cosmetic option for you. That’s why we always encourage any patients who are considering treatment with implants to schedule a consultation visit with Dr. Sasson. During a consultation, Dr. Sasson can complete a thorough exam of your smile before recommending the treatment plan that works best for you.

Call Boston Smile Center today if you’d like to schedule a visit with us, or you can visit our dental implants page to learn more about what dental implants are and how they can help.


July 11, 2012

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: , , , — Dr. Alan Sasson @ 8:56 pm

So far, we’ve used this blog to introduce Boston-area patients to some of the best services available at Boston Smile Center, but one we haven’t said anything about yet is also one of the most effective of all. We’re talking, of course, about dental implants. With this post, and the one you’ll see two weeks from now, we’d like to spend some time talking about what dental implants are and how Dr. Sasson can use them to restore your smile.

Don’t Let Your Smile Fade

Before we talk about what dental implants are, though, let’s talk about what happens in smiles that don’t have them.

When you lose a tooth, regardless of the reason, you end up losing more than just the tooth; you also lose the root that anchored it to your jaw. That, by itself, doesn’t sound important, but it is.

Besides anchoring your teeth, your roots also stimulate the growth of new bone tissue in the jaw, keeping your entire smile strong and functional. When one of these roots goes missing, the jaw weakens, creating a ripple effect that can result in the loss of other teeth.

Dental implants are designed to prevent this from happening by replacing more than just a missing tooth—they also replace your missing root.

But we’ll talk more about in our next post. For now, if you’d like to learn more about dental implants, you can visit our dental implants page or call Dr. Sasson’s Boston implant office to schedule a consultation visit. During a consultation, Dr. Sasson would be happy to talk more about the dental implants process and can help you find out if you’re a candidate.


July 6, 2012

When you think about your smile, do you ever consider what effect it might have on your overall health? If you don’t, don’t worry. It’s normal to think of your smile and your overall health as being completely separate.

But the truth is, the human body is much more interconnected than that. When your oral health is allowed to suffer, your overall health can suffer too. In recent medical studies, periodontal disease (also known as gum disease) has been linked with a wide range of health conditions, including:

  • Heart disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetes complications
  • Preterm birth, and more

All of which is why regular visits to Dr. Sasson’s Boston dental office are so important. Through regular dental exams and cleanings, Dr. Sasson and the rest of our Boston team, we can help maintain a healthy smile that will support your overall wellbeing.

How often should you visit? The answer to that question is different for every patient, but in general, we recommend that patients see us twice a year, or at least once every six months.

Has it been longer than that since your last visit? Then why not call us today? At Boston Smile Center & Laser Dentistry, Dr. Sasson and his team are dedicated to friendly, helpful service that will improve your oral health, your general wellbeing, and your quality of life.

We look forward to helping you!