Boston Smile Center Blog

Brookline Patients Can Revitalize Their Smiles and Self-Confidence with Cosmetic Dentistry Options

August 22, 2013

smile makeover girl 3We all know that maintaining healthy teeth and gums is very important – but what about the way your pearly whites look? After all, your smile is often the first thing someone notices about you! Plus, perfectly white and straight teeth can imply all sorts of positive attributes about you, including success, youth, confidence, attractiveness, and more. Sadly, many of us aren’t born with perfect teeth, however. Whether you’re suffering from unsightly chips, cracks, gaps, or stains that just won’t budge with diligent brushing, cosmetic dentistry could be the transformative answer you’ve been searching for. At Boston Smile Center in Brookline, MA, Dr. Sasson and his team believe strongly in the power of a great smile – that’s why we offer a wide variety of cosmetic dentistry options for patients from all walks of life who want to feel proud of what they see in the mirror each morning.

Our available cosmetic dentistry procedures include:

Additionally, we also offer personalized smile makeover plans for patients who are in need of multiple procedures in order to restore their teeth to full health and beauty.

Don’t keep living your life with a lackluster look – instead, trust our team in Brookline to provide you with the personalized care you’ve been searching for! Feel free to contact Boston Smile Center today if you have any questions about our various cosmetic dentistry options, or if you’re ready to schedule your FREE consultation with Dr. Sasson. Our dedicated staff is committed to providing patients with warm, wildly effective dental care that’s sure to leave your smile healthier and happier than ever before.

Achieve a Smile That’s Finally Pain-Free with Root Canal Therapy at Boston Smile Center in Brookline, MA

August 15, 2013

root_canal2Out of all the dental problems that a person can experience over their lifetime, “root canal” is often the phrase that strikes the most fear into patients’ hearts. Over time, root canal treatment has inexplicably garnered a reputation for being an invasive and outright unpleasant procedure – so much so that many people willingly avoid the process. Here at Boston Smile Center, Dr. Sasson and his team want to be the first ones to assure you that root canal therapy is a perfectly reasonable and comfortable procedure that can restore health and form to teeth that would otherwise need to be extracted. Its success rate is through the roof, too!

How do I know if I need a root canal?

Common signs that could indicate the need for root canal therapy include:

  • Severe pain that occurs when chewing or applying pressure to one or more teeth
  • Gums that look tender, red, or swollen
  • Excessive sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures
  • A sudden discoloration (usually darkening) of a tooth

What happens during root canal therapy?

First, Dr. Sasson will create a small opening in the affected tooth in order to clean it thoroughly of all the bacteria and diseased pulp and then fill it with a biologically inert substance. Once this is complete, he and his team will seal the area to protect it from further threats of infection. In most cases, a custom-made crown is placed as well in order to restore the tooth’s full form. With today’s advanced technology and techniques, many patients find root canal therapy so comfortable that they even doze off!

Contact The Boston Smile Center today to schedule your FREE consultation with Dr. Sasson. Our team works hard to ensure that all our patients feel comfortable and cared for when they visit our Brookline office, and it shows!

Bolster Your Oral Health for the Better with Dental Implants from Dr. Sasson

August 7, 2013

dental implantLosing one or more teeth to damage or decay can be a devastating blow, both to your overall health and your self-confidence. Many people with unsightly gaps in their smile find it hard to even leave their home, much less interact with their friends and coworkers without feeling embarrassment or shame. Even worse, losing a pearly white can lead to additional dental problems in the future if left untreated, including an increased risk of periodontal disease, misalignments as the remaining teeth reposition in order to fill the space, and even additional tooth loss. Of course, you may consider bridges or dentures as a potential solution, but these restorations can feel lacking and unnatural in some cases, leaving patients dissatisfied.  What can be done? Thankfully, Dr. Sasson offers the answer at his Brookline, MA office: dental implants. With our team’s warm, thorough help, you’ll be enjoying a revitalized smile in no time!

How does the dental implants process work?

The dental implants procedure essentially consists of two major steps – the implantation and the restoration. First, after Dr. Sasson has carefully examined your teeth and gums in order to ensure you’re a viable candidate for a dental implant, he will place a small titanium post securely within your gap. Then, once an appropriate amount of time has passed for this post to fuse successfully with your soft tissue, you’ll come back to the office for your beautiful, new custom-made restoration to be placed atop it, completing your look. Dental implants have countless benefits, including stability, beauty, and even optimal health – it’s the only tooth replacement method that actually stabilizes and even regenerates bone tissue in the jaw!

Unlike many dentists who are only able to perform the restoration process, Dr. Sasson has 25 years of experience of an implant dentist, and he’ll be more than happy to walk you through every single step of the process himself, allowing you to avoid the messy situation of having to keep appointments with several practices.

Contact Boston Smile Center in Brookline, MA today and schedule your FREE consultation with Dr. Sasson. Our team can’t wait to give you a reason to smile!

Bottled Water and Your Kids’ Fluoride

July 24, 2013

shutterstock_29235628Is it safe for my child to drink tap water in Brookline, Massachusetts?

The short answer is yes. Locally fluoridated tap water is actually beneficial to the health of your child’s teeth, in fact many children today drink so much more bottled water than  fluoridated tap water that it may be a concern. Even thought they get fluoride from other sources like tooth paste it may still be an issue. A rich and steady source, like the water they drink all the time, to help strengthen the enamel and protect their teeth from decay may be lacking. Most bottled water has minimal to no fluoride added by the manufacturer. Furthermore, the FDA does not monitor or regulate the amount of fluoride in bottled water as it does in municipal tap water. Fluoride in tap water is mandated to have a concentration of 1 part per million (ppm).

Below is a list of some popular brands of bottled water and the amount of fluoride contained. I would recommend that you contact the company of the bottled water you buy to inquire as to the level of fluoride it contains. Ideally bottling your tap or filtered water at home would be best, providing your tap water is fluoridated.

  • Aquafina 0.05 ppm
  • Calistoga 0.07 ppm
  • Dasani 0.07 ppm
  •  Evian 0.10 ppm
  • Perrier 0.30 ppm
  • Poland Spring 0.10 ppm

At Boston Smile Center we primarily treat adults. However from time to time we post family dental related issues that are important to your lives. For more about my practice visit our services page today!

Brookline Patients Can Have a Smile That Shines Again with White Spot Removal

July 11, 2013

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed ugly white spots on your front teeth? While there’s no real danger or damage associated with these marks, they can be a real eyesore, not to mention an embarrassing flaw on a smile you may have worked hard to perfect. Thankfully, Dr. Alan Sasson has seen this problem before many times, and he has the perfect solution to correct them – no pain required! Visit Boston Smile Center in Brookline, MA to improve your pearly whites and discover the beautiful look you deserve at last with the help of white spot removal.

What exactly causes those strange white spots?

In most cases, white spots occur as a result of calcium loss from the enamel, which can happen due to wearing braces when you’re child or simply by eating too many foods or drinks that are high in acids. While they don’t signify any sort of dangerous oral health condition, they do make the tooth more sensitive and can leave it susceptible to decay.

How can you help me?

Dr. Sasson is happy to offer frustrated patients the help of Icon. Icon is an incredible new technology that rebuilds a tooth’s enamel on the service and restores the correct color to even the most stubborn spots. You don’t even need any scary shots of invasive drilling or cutting – instead, the process is clean, quick, and provides wonderfully dramatic results!

You don’t have to settle for a smile that’s lackluster – instead, achieve the stellar look you’ve truly always wanted with help from the accomplished team at Boston Smile Center! We’re committed to providing patients with top-notch dental care that goes above and beyond their expectations. Contact our Brookline office to schedule your FREE consultation with Dr. Sasson.

Erase Any Unsightly Gaps in Your Smile with Partials and Dentures from Dr. Sasson

June 27, 2013

Out of all the dental problems that can plague a person over their lifetime, missing teeth is almost certainly one of the worst. Having unsightly gaps in your smile is incredibly embarrassing both in professional and social settings, keeping you from enjoying yourself to the fullest. Even worse, if left untreated, it can cause the other teeth in your mouth to begin shifting and twisting in order to fill the empty space, resulting in a heightened risk of gum disease and additional tooth loss. Thankfully, Dr. Sasson strongly believes in providing every patient with the whole, healthy smile they deserve; that’s why he offers a variety of tooth replacement options for patients of all walks of life, including dentures and partials. If ease and affordability are important to you when it comes to your restorative dental work, contact Boston Smile Center in Brookline, MA to learn more about this transformative technique!


If you’re only missing a couple of teeth in different areas in your mouth, a partial could be the perfect solution! The appliance is like a puzzle piece – we’ll custom create it so that it fits in perfectly with your remaining teeth. Secured with clips and brackets, a partial can be removed for easy cleaning; plus, they look completely natural, making it hard for others to tell it’s even there at all.


A full denture is used to replace a complete row of teeth, whether it’s at the top of your mouth, the bottom, or even both. It stays in place with natural suction, as well as dental adhesive in some cases. Again, the piece is permanent, making it much more comfortable to sleep and practice oral hygiene.

Dr. Sasson can also provide implant-supported dentures, which adds an extra layer of stability and security to your new smile.

Don’t settle for a look that’s lacking! Instead, regain a full, healthy smile with the help of our excellent team at Boston Smile Center! Contact our Brookline office to schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Sasson.

Experience Healthy Gums at Last with Laser Periodontal Therapy from Dr. Sasson

June 3, 2013

Did you know that nearly three out of four Americans is currently suffering from one of the stages of gum disease? That’s a large percentage, and one that Dr. Sasson takes very seriously at his Brookline, MA dental office. He and his staff also understand that a  very, very small number of those patients actively seek out treatment, whether due to not knowing they have the disease in the first simple or instead dreading the invasive and uncomfortable surgery that may be used during their treatment. That’s why our team at Boston Smile Center now offers Laser Periodontal Therapy™, a revolutionary method for treating infected gums – no blood, discomfort, or fear required!

Protect Your Smile and Your Self-Confidence

In the past, dentists used scalpels and sutures to effectively carry out surgery on the gums – an unsettling experience in many patients’ eyes, for sure. With the help of Laser Periodontal Therapy™, these tools are things of the past, though. Instead, Dr. Sasson removes infection in the pockets between the teeth and gums with the help of a dental laser, which provides a much more comfortable experience. Better yet, the laser even seals the newly disinfected site with a blood clot, which eliminates the need for messy stitches.

Laser Periodontal Therapy™ also allows dentists to preserve much more of your healthy bone and tissue structure, making it one of the most conservative procedures available. Studies have even shown that it can regenerate disease root surfaces and reconnect tissues by enlisting your own body’s healing mechanisms!

If you think you may be suffering from gum disease, contact Boston Smile Center in Brookline, MA today to schedule your FREE consultation with Dr. Sasson. Our team is dedicated to providing patients with comprehensive and personalized dental care that always puts their comfort first. Don’t let infection sneak up on you – instead, face it head-on with our help!

Enhance Your Smile and Rejuvenate Your Self-Confidence with Botox and Dermal Fillers in Brookline, MA

May 28, 2013

10733988When people think of services a dentist can provide them with, they probably focus on problems that directly affect the teeth and gums – crown, fillings, tooth restorations, periodontal therapy, and more. What would you say, though, to a professional who has the skills necessary to help you improve not only your teeth, but the look of your entire face as well, resulting in a beautiful, well-rounded look? Look no further than Boston Smile Center! Dr. Sasson has been clinically trained and certified by the American Academy of Facial Esthetics, meaning that he is one of the few dentists in the Boston area who offers both Botox and dermal fillers to patients from all walks of life. Don’t complicate your smile makeover by scheduling appointments at several different offices – instead, simplify your care to just our Brookline office and transform both your skin and your smile into the beautiful, complete look you deserve.


If you’ve noticed unsightly wrinkles around the eyes, brow, or forehead (sometimes referred to as ‘frown lines’), Botox could be the perfect treatment for you! The treatment works by reducing your muscle activity in these areas, resulting in a much smoother, more youthful experience. A Botox procedure takes only minutes to complete, requires no anesthesia, and the effects can last up to half a year – sometimes even longer!

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers, on the other hand, are used to treat lines, folds, and sagging around the mouth, otherwise known as the ‘laugh lines.’ Using this method, Dr. Sasson fills wrinkles with a type of special gel, adding beautiful volume to the lips. The results can last up to a year, and like Botox, can be completed in only a matter of minutes with a few comfortable injections.

Contact our Brookline, MA office today with any questions you have about Botox and dermal fillers, or if you’re ready to schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Sasson. Our goal at Boston Smile Center is to provide you with thorough, compassionate dental care that provides you with the beautiful smile of your dreams.

Preview Your Brand New Smile with SmileMagic in Brookline, MA

April 30, 2013

87550037Whether you’re hoping to undergo teeth whitening, orthodontic treatment, or porcelain veneers, deciding to enhance your smile cosmetically is a big decision, and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. After all, how can you know for sure that your smile will turn out like you’ve always imagined it? What if you’re unhappy with the look of the final results? These are difficult questions. Other dentists may try to pressure you to go in blindly, but here at Boston Smile Center, we know that pictures are worth a thousand words. That’s why Dr. Sasson has invested in SmileMagic, a revolutionary new digital imaging tool that can show you a precise image of what your brand-new smile will look once treatment is over. Guessing games and crossed fingers are now a thing of the past for patients in Brookline, MA and beyond!

How does SmileMagic work?  

It’s simple – our specially trained imaging technician will utilize SmileMagic’s software to manipulate digital photographs of your current smile according to the detailed instructions provided by Dr. Sasson. Both professionals will work together closely, putting in however much work is needed until the new picture is an accurate representation of what your brand-new smile will look like after treatment. Our team will be happy to show you the outcomes of a variety of different procedures, including orthodontic work and porcelain veneers! With the help of SmileMagic, patients who come in to our Brookline office don’t have to second-guess themselves about procedures; instead, they can have a direct look into the future!

Dr. Sasson and his team are committed to providing smiles of all shapes and sizes with thorough, personalized care that puts patient comfort first. Contact our Brookline office if you have any questions about our services, or if you’re ready to schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Sasson.

Regain Your Smile and Your Self-Confidence with a Variety of Tooth Replacement Options from Dr. Sasson

April 16, 2013

dental_implantsLosing one or more teeth can be a devastating blow, both to your oral health and your confidence. When you have unsightly gaps in your smile, it can be hard to even get out of bed, not to mention interact with your peers for fear of embarrassment or ridicule. Worse, if left untreated, those gaps can cause your other teeth to start to shift so as to fill the space, resulting in an increased risk of periodontal disease, bite collapse, and additional tooth loss. Thankfully, Dr. Sasson and his dedicated staff have a variety of tooth replacement options available to you at Boston Smile Center. How are you supposed to know which solution would best fit your unique needs, though? Do you find stability and sturdiness most important? The speed of the treatment? Affordability? We want you to be well-informed of all the procedures and services available to you before you make a decision; that’s why below, we’ve provided some descriptions of our restorative services. Please contact our Brookline office directly if you’d like to learn more!

Dental Implants

In most cases, we will suggest dental implants as the ideal option for patients who’ve lost one or more teeth. Dental implants provide a stable, sturdy, and practically seamless solution to unsightly gaps. Better yet, they’re the only tooth replacement option that replicates the root of the tooth as well as the crown, which helps keep the jawbone healthy and full. Dr. Sasson can perform every stage of the treatment right here in his Brookline office, from the placement of the implant to the custom restoration.

Additionally, dental implants can be used in conjunction with crown and bridges and dentures in order to add extra support.

Crown and Bridge

If you’re looking for the stability of dental implants but aren’t willing to wait the extended amount of time it will take for that treatment to be completed, crown and bridge may be a restorative solution that’s more suited to your needs. A bridge is a prosthetic tooth (or teeth) that can be attached in a gap between natural teeth that have been prepared with crowns.

Dentures and Partials

Dentures and partials offer both a convenient and affordable tooth replacement option. Dr. Sasson will have the piece custom-made to fit your specific needs, and it stays in place with the help of clips and natural suction. Dentures and partials are removable, making cleaning much more easy!

If you have any questions about our tooth replacement options, or if you’re ready to schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Sasson, please call our Brookline office today. We can’t wait to give you a reason to smile!

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