Boston Smile Center Blog

Holiday Foods to Avoid with Dentures

October 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Alan Sasson @ 2:14 am

Older woman with dentures holding Thanksgiving turkeyIf you’ve recently replaced your missing teeth with dentures, you have one more reason to smile. As the holidays approach, you don’t have to spend another year missing out on your favorite foods. Whether traditional prosthetics or implant-supported, your dentures gave you the next best thing to your real teeth to enjoy steak, turkey, and more, but dentures have their limitations. You don’t want to end up sitting in a dental chair instead of at the dinner table. You can spend more time with your loved ones by following a few tips when choosing the foods on your plate.


3 Reasons Summer is Perfect for Dental Implants

July 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Alan Sasson @ 7:07 pm

Woman who choose dental implantsIf you have lost a tooth or two, don’t put completing your smile off any longer. Summer is the perfect time to replace your missing teeth with dental implants. Although you have all year to see your dentist, there are several advantages to treating your tooth loss before the leaves begin to change colors. Here are 3 benefits of skipping a day at the pool to visit your dentist for dental implants.


4 Summer Activities That Are Dangerous for Your Smile

May 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:20 am
Woman smiling on the beach

The time of the year that you have been waiting for all year is almost here! Your kids won’t be spending their time in the classroom, the days are becoming longer, the weather is warmer, and you have all sorts of fun activities ready for your family. However, this isn’t always the best time of year for your smile. It is important to protect your teeth now more than ever! Read on to learn about how some summer activities can lead to oral health problems.


Drugstore Nightguards VS Nightguards from a Dentist

April 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Dr. Alan Sasson @ 2:08 am

Digital model used for nightguards in BostonIf you have a habit of grinding and clenching your teeth at night, it can cause serious damage to your oral health. Nightguards in Boston can safeguard your smile by providing a barrier between your upper and lower teeth. To prevent complications caused by the pressure and friction, you could run to the closest drugstore to purchase a cheap nightguard, but that may not be the best option. Although they are affordable and convenient, they don’t offer the same level of protection as one provided by a dentist. Spending extra on a high-quality nightguard is an investment in your oral health, and here’s why.


Start 2021 Off Right By Scheduling Dental Checkups for Your Family

January 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Alan Sasson @ 4:53 pm
a stethoscope that spells out "2021"

There’s no better time to commit to keeping your household cavity-free and healthy than at the beginning of a new year. One of the best ways to start your year off right is to schedule you and your loved ones’ annual medical checkups and their first semi-annual dental checkup and cleaning. Read on to learn why keeping your family’s oral health on the right track is so important and how you can encourage good habits in your home.


Don’t Be Afraid of the Dentist This Halloween!

October 6, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:08 pm
orange pumpkin with a scared face carved into it

While you may not be able to physically go to a haunted house this year, you can still celebrate the Halloween season with plenty of horror movies at home. After all, this is the time of year when everyone looks forward to enjoying some scary things. Getting frightened by a monster flick may be harmless, but do you know what kind of fear isn’t harmless? Dental fear. Many people avoid seeing their dentist due to anxiety, but this can result in oral health problems. Keep reading below to learn how you can conquer your fear of the dentist once and for all.


Why It’s Never Too Late to Achieve a Straight Smile

August 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:40 pm
Adult woman putting in Invisalign aligner

Do you wish you had a straighter smile but assume you are too old for orthodontic treatment? Think again! According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), more than 1 in 4 orthodontics patients in the U.S. and Canada are adults. Moreover, the AAO also found that 75% of surveyed adults experienced a boost in their professional and personal lives after undergoing orthodontic treatment. Do you want to enhance your smile and your self-confidence? Keep reading to learn about the benefits of adult orthodontics in Brookline.


Teledentistry and Virtual Consultations in Brookline

April 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:01 pm
Teledentistry and Virtual Consultations

Boston Smile Center is excited to offer teledentisry and virtual consultations for dental services from the comfort of your own home in the Brookline/Boston metropolitan area. The current pandemic scare is limiting all of our freedom to come and go as we please. Through Zoom, Dr. Sasson can discuss your dental needs in a complimentary initial consultation. Possible consultation topics include adult orthodontics, dental implants, and cosmetic dentistry. After your online chat, you can confidently take the next step to schedule a time for a more comprehensive evaluation. Click here to schedule your initial consultation today.


How to Start Your Journey Toward a Full Smile During COVID-19!

April 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:52 pm
Woman videochatting her dentist while sitting

If you have missing teeth, you may have grown used to the appearance of gaps in your smile. However, lost teeth can lead to health issues like extra wear and tear on your grin, risk of infection, and even additional tooth loss. That’s why it’s important to replace your teeth as soon as possible. During COVID-19, Dr. Sasson is closed to help prevent the spread of the virus, but you can still get started on your complete smile! Keep reading to learn what you can do to begin your journey toward a healthy, strong, and full set of teeth with replacements like dental implants.


See Your Invisalign Results in Just 15 Minutes!

March 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:22 pm
patient and dental professional discussing preview of Invisalign in Brookline

Invisalign in Brookline usually takes several months or longer to achieve its final results. When you first begin your treatment, you might be curious to see your results and look for even the smallest signs of tooth movement as you graduate from one aligner to the next. Wouldn’t it put your mind at ease if you knew in advance how Invisalign would improve the look of your smile? Thanks to advanced scanning technology, that is now possible.

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