Choosing Dentures or Dental Implants in Brookline

December 28, 2015

Woman with a beautiful smile thanks to dental implants in brookline For thousands of years, people have relied upon removable dentures to restore smiles following tooth loss, but with the introduction of dental implants, patients are able to choose between removable and semi-permanent smile restoration. In many cases, the choice is clear, but some patients need a little extra help choosing between the two options. We encourage patients to schedule consultation appointments to allow our team to walk through the process, benefits, and drawbacks of each option before making a decision. To find out more before your appointment, visit our dental implant or dentures pages, keep reading, or feel free to give the friendly Boston Smile Center team a call.

Dr. Alan Sasson Is Proud to Serve Everyone in 02446

June 17, 2015

Everyone deserves a beautiful looking smile in Boston.Beautiful smiles aren’t reserved for Hollywood stars and starlets. Having a smile that shines bright doesn’t have to be that difficult to attain. In fact, it’s pretty easy — especially when you come to the office of Dr. Alan Sasson in Brookline, MA. Cosmetic dentistry is something we excel at and delivering a beautiful smile is something that we have perfected over the years. We staff one of the best teams in the area and their expertise in the industry know-how is evident in everything they do. If your smile could use a bit of an upgrade with teeth whitening, straightening treatment or any other type of cosmetic work, we’ve got you covered with a plethora of options. Are you ready to take your smile to the next level?

Pregnancy and Your Oral Health – Part 3

March 25, 2013

Filed under: Dentist — Tags: , , , , — Dr. Alan Sasson @ 3:48 pm

What You Need to Know – Dental X-rays and Food Choices

Dental X-rays

Current American Dental Association guidelines say it is more risky for a pregnant woman to postpone dental treatment than to have treatment.  This is because dental disease that goes untreated during pregnancy can lead to greater problems later on.  It may also lead to the transfer of bacteria that cause oral diseases to your child.  In order to ensure your best dental care, at Boston Smile Center, we will take only the X-rays that are absolutely necessary to make a clinical diagnosis.  At Boston Smile Center, we are equipped with the latest digital X-ray system, ensuring that the radiation exposure is the absolute minimum.  We also use lead aprons with thyroid collar to help protect your and your fetus.

Food Choices shutterstock_9493105

It is important to a eat nutritious, well-balanced diet.  When you need a snack, choose foods that are nutritious for you and your unborn baby.  What you eat during your pregnancy affects the growth of the fetus, including the their teeth.  The baby’s teeth begin to develop between the third and sixth months of your pregnancy.  For teeth to develop well, they need enough vitamins, minerals and other nutrients – especially vitamins A, C, and D, protein, calcium and phosphorous.  Your OB-GYN may recommend calcium supplements or other prenatal vitamins to you.

To Ensure a Healthy Mouth

  • Brush and floss well and frequently after every meal or snack.
  • Eat a balanced diet.  If you snack, choose healthy foods low in sugar.
  • Visit our dental hygienist at Boston Smile Center regularly for a professional cleaning and dental examination.
  • Let Dr. Sasson know:
    • if you have a high-risk pregnancy
    • the month of pregnancy you are in
    • if you are taking any medications
    • any changes in your oral health such as swelling, redness, bleeding, sores, or inflammation in your mouth
    • if you notice any loose teeth

We can work together to make sure you maintain optimal oral health before, during, and after your pregnancy.

Dr. Sasson’s goal at Boston Smile Center is for you to maintain a radiant and healthy smile for a lifetime!

Pregnancy and Your Oral Health – Part 2

March 11, 2013

Filed under: Dentist — Tags: , , , , — Dr. Alan Sasson @ 3:48 pm

What You Need to Know – Tooth Decay

Of course anyone can get tooth decay, but pregnant women who snack a lot may have a higher risk.  That’s because bacteria normally found in everyone’s mouth feed on the sugars found in all foods and drinks.  These bacteria produce dental plaque and release acids.  It is the acids that attack and eat away at teeth.

When you have sugary foods or drinks many times a day, or sip on sugar filled drinks like soda or fruit juices all day long, the acid from the bacteria attacks and eats away at your teeth again and again causing cavities.  Cavities left untreated for a long time can become complicated and expensive to treat.  The best time for dental treatment, other than routine dental hygiene visits, is in the middle trimester.  Of course, at Boston Smile Center, we always seek input and approval from your OB-GYN.

As you know, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  To help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, brush your teeth after every meal, even after snacks or sugar-containing drinks.  A mechanical toothbrush, of any kind, is clearly more effective over a standard toothbrush.   Flossing as well is also necessary to prevent cavities from developing between your teeth.   If you already have a lot of dentistry or suffer from morning sickness, a prescription strength fluoridated toothpaste or tooth remineralizing mouth rinse may also be beneficial. At Boston Smile Center, we will tailor a regimen to meet your particular needs.

How Pregnancy May Affect Your Gumsshutterstock_11694115

Many women are prone to gingivitis (gin-ja-vie-tis) during pregnancy.  The plaque on your teeth can make your gums red, tender, inflamed, swollen, and likely to bleed easily when you brush your teeth.  This condition if left untreated can lead to more serious disease affecting the gums and the jawbone that hold your teeth in place.

During pregnancy, your body’s hormone levels rise greatly.  These hormones can make your gums more sensitive to dental plaque.  That is why gingivitis is more common during pregnancy and why more frequent dental cleanings will be beneficial.  Your home care is especially important in keeping this condition in check.  Again, Dr. Alan Sasson will tailor a regimen to meet your particular needs.

Together we can work together to make sure you maintain optimal oral health before, during, and after your pregnancy.

Dr. Sasson’s goal at Boston Smile Center is for you to maintain a radiant and healthy smile for a lifetime!

In an upcoming blog, I will discuss pregnancy as it relates to dental X-rays, food choices and looking ahead.

Pregnancy and Your Oral Health – Part 1

February 25, 2013

Filed under: Dentist — Tags: , , , , — Dr. Alan Sasson @ 3:46 pm

What You Need to Know – Dental Visits

Take Time to Take Care of Yourself

If you are pregnant or planning to become so, now is the time to pay close attention to your teeth and gums as an important part of your overall health.  It’s important for both you and your baby.  Pregnancy and the changing hormone levels that occur with it can make some dental problems worse.  Taking good care of your mouth benefits your overall health.  And, clearly if you are healthy, it is more likely your baby will be healthy, too.shutterstock_7618078

Dental Visits

If you are planning to get pregnant, schedule a dental checkup with us so that we can assess the current health of your teeth and gums and address any needs or concerns in advance.  We can also schedule you for an extra dental hygiene visit to keep your oral health at an optimal level during this important time in your life.

Inform us if there is any change in your general health, and change in the medications you may be taking, or any special advice your physician has provided to you.  This information will help us plan your treatment.  We would also be happy to speak directly with your OG-GYN doctor to coordinate any needed treatment.

It is important that you continue with regular dental visits during your pregnancy.  Having a dental cleaning every three months during your pregnancy can be very helpful to control gingivitis that frequently occurs because of normal hormonal changes.  Preventing periodontal gum disease is very important to you and your baby.

During the last months of pregnancy, it may be uncomfortable lying in the dental chair during your visit so let us know.  We have many options available in the office such as lumbar pillows, head, neck and back chair supports that adjust to many positions in order make you as comfortable as possible.

Together we can work together to make sure you maintain optimal oral health before, during, and after your pregnancy.

Dr. Sasson’s goal at Boston Smile Center is for you to maintain a radiant and healthy smile for a lifetime!

In an upcoming blog, I will discuss pregnancy as it relates to tooth decay and gingivitis.