When you begin your Invisalign journey, your dentist will provide you with an estimate of how long your treatment should take. These educated guesses are usually quite accurate, however there are always exceptions to this rule, and sometimes yours will take a bit longer than initially intended. When you need additional aligners or revisions to your plan, this is known as an Invisalign refinement. Here’s what you need to know about them, and what you can do to reduce your odds of needing one!
The Benefits of Invisalign
Invisalign isn’t just cosmetic, though having a beautiful, more youthful looking smile doesn’t hurt. But correcting crowding or a bad bite can improve your health, too. It can prevent uneven wear, jaw strain, and even make it easier to keep your teeth clean and healthy.
Dealing With Complications During Invisalign Treatment
While your Invisalign cost is based on the duration of your treatment and how many aligners you will need, occasionally you may have to purchase additional ones for unexpected refinements. Though it may be frustrating, these add-ons are important in helping your teeth move into proper position.
How to Lower Your Risk of Needing Refinements
While it cannot always be predicted if and when you’ll need refinements, you can lower your odds by doing the following:
- Wear aligners for at least 22 hours a day
- Take proper care of your teeth during your treatment by brushing and flossing each time you eat
- Don’t eat or drink anything but water while wearing your aligners
- Replace aligners as scheduled
- Attend all regular dental exams
- Notify your dentist if you notice any unusual pain or if your aligner becomes damaged or does not fit
Remember, while it’s normal to want to complete your Invisalign treatment ASAP, it’s important that you are patient during the process. Unexpected changes may be required along the way; however, your dedication will be worth the beautiful smile you’ll be able to show for it in the end!
About Our Practice
At Boston Smile Center, we are proud to provide a variety of oral health care options in one convenient location. We have been a mainstay in the Brookline community for decades, and our team strives to develop lasting bonds with our patients and their families.
To schedule an appointment for Invisalign, please visit our website or call us today at 617-739-1017.