Understanding the Cost of Invisalign
So, you’re thinking of getting Invisalign? That’s great news – the procedure should straighten your smile well! Still, perhaps you’re hesitating due to the potential price. After all, aligners won’t help if buying them “breaks the bank.” However, the cost of Invisalign varies by the patient; you’ll thus have to consult our dentists for an exact treatment estimate. Thankfully, you can trust Boston Smile Center to make Invisalign budget-friendly. To learn how we’d do so, just keep reading or book a visit to our dental office!
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Factors That Affect the Cost of Invisalign
As it happens, various factors can impact Invisalign’s cost. The most common of these elements are:
The Number of Treated Arches – You’ll pay more if you straighten both arches instead of one.
Treatment Complexity – The needed tooth movements also influence the price. For instance, fixing a gap between front teeth is cheaper than treating several severely crooked chompers.
Treatment Timeline – A longer treatment time will require more aligners, driving up costs.
Patient Compliance – Your Invisalign journey will face delays – and added expenses – if you don’t wear the aligners for 22 hours daily.
Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?
All dental insurance plans are required to provide orthodontic coverage for patients aged 18 and under, but this may not extend to adult orthodontics. And if it does, this may only refer to metal braces, no Invisalign. However, many plans WILL help you pay for Invisalign, so you may have a policy that offers coverage. You should confirm the matter with your insurance provider before treatment, and our team can even help you do so. You can also use your FSA account (if you have one) to help cover the cost.
Options for Making Invisalign Affordable
As it happens, there are ways besides insurance to make Invisalign affordable. Here at Boston Smile Center, for instance, we offer:
Dental Savings Plans – In exchange for a low monthly fee, our practice will give you (among other things) a 15% discount on routine services – including Invisalign!
Flexible Financing – Our office works with CareCredit, a service that lets patients pay for treatment in monthly installments. Using it, you could cover the cost of Invisalign over time instead of all at once.
Special Offers – We’re currently running a special on Invisalign, lowering its price to just $199/month!
As you can see, Boston Smile Center is ready to straighten your teeth affordably. Go ahead, then, and consult us to learn more about the financial details.